

Congregation B'nai Jacob has numerous commemoration opportunities. Whether you want to commemorate a life cycle event, honor friends and family, or memorialize a loved one, there are many naming opportunities available to you.

Naming opportunities include the Sim Shalom Siddur, the Etz Hayim Chumash, and for a full list of CBJ Naming opportunities please call the CBJ Office at (610) 933-5550. 

Memorial Plaques

It is a sacred Jewish tradition to remember the departed. At Congregation B'nai Jacob, we have made this tradition a part of our continuous worship and observance by creating a lasting memorial tribute in our sanctuary to our loved ones.

These plaques will be viewed by future generations with love and remembrance. You can honor your loved ones by eternalizing their memory with a bronze plaque in our sanctuary. 

Every year, in perpetuity, on the anniversary of their Yahrtzeit, and at every Yizkor service, their memory will be rekindled as the plaque is illuminated. 

You may order a plaque by contacting Sandy Stone or the Congregation B'nai Jacob office.