Hello Women of CBJ - Join Sisterhood for a year of fun and educational activities!
As Sisterhood members we strive to unite and strengthen the women of our synagogue, to support our congregation, religious school, to provide enriching Jewish education, reinforce our members’ bonds with Israel and Jews worldwide, and help and support the perpetuation of Conservative (Masorti) Judaism.
Some activities include:
· Events – Social and educational events for our membership
· Gift Shop – Maintaining an amazing gift shop for on–the–spot purchases. Don’t miss our annual Chanukah sale!
· Chanukah Cheer – Supplying our school children with Chanukah candles, dreidels and gelt.
· Bar/Bat Mitzvah – Presenting each Bar and Bat Mitzvah a Siddur.
· Decorating/Building support – Recently, we painted the kitchen and purchased a new refrigerator.
· Supporting our synagogue – All of the funds we raise are for CBJ. Last year, we paid the expenses for two CBJ fundraisers – wonderful virtual tours of Israel.
· Funeral luncheons – Helping provide set-up and lunch for the grieving family after the funeral.
· Supporting the five Conservative seminaries including the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) – Support Conservative Jewish education by donating to the Sisterhood Torah Fund.
Most important of all, we welcome all newcomers and provide fellowship and friendship with some Jewish education thrown in for good measure. We are a great support group for our members because we are a great group of women! Send in your membership information and check today!
We look forward to seeing you at our events – both virtual and in-person.
Lori Snow, Rebecca Boylan, Lisa Fegan, Kat Ludwig, Linda Loux, Ellie Cantor
Any questions? Contact Lori 484-432-3063 or lvsnow@comcast.net