Our mission is to provide a place, rooted in Jewish tradition, where all people feel welcome, supported and enriched. We strive to foster connections to our past, to our future and to the divine in an intimate, accepting community.

Reopening Task Force Message

The Board of Directors of the synagogue established a task force this spring, to advise the congregation on the reopening of the building, keeping in mind both Jewish values and the changing medical landscape, to ensure the safety of our members. We are writing to inform you of important policy and procedure changes regarding our COVID-19 protocol.  First and foremost, influencing our decision, is the emergence of the Delta variant of COVID-19, as the dominant strain infecting individuals.  In the last month the CDC has changed much of its guidance on indoor behavior; in addition, there is now information that even fully vaccinated individuals can spread the variant to others.  Our policies must take these new findings into account.

Currently, in our attempts to make the physical plant as safe as possible, we are adding UV filters in our air ducts, that will be ready sometime in September.  We are also anticipating the full implementation of Live Streaming capabilities in our sanctuary by end of September, to be as inclusive as possible to all our members. The wider availability of COVID boosters, starting in the end of September will strengthen people’s immunity as well. 

We will be opening our doors for Shabbat services immediately after Rosh Hashanah, on Friday, 9/10/21.  

For these reasons, we established the following policy:

Every person 12 years and older entering the building must be fully vaccinated and provide proof of COVID vaccination, such as a standard vaccination card.  Those unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons will need to provide a medical exemption letter from their physician to attend services in the building. Masks are required for everyone older than 2 years of age. Persons need to maintain 6 feet of distance apart. 

These guidelines have been discussed extensively by the Reopening Task Force and approved by the Board of Directors.  Please feel free to discuss any questions you may have with any one of us. Wishing all a happy and healthy New Year.

Carol Actor Mark Snow Alan Verbit
Andy Baskin Rabbi Jeff Sultar Jerry Weiss
Chuck Epstein Mike Trachtenberg Andrea Zavod

Latest News

Shabbat Services

Friday Night Shabbat Service, 7:30PM (Once a month at 6:30PM)

Saturday Morning Service, 9:30 AM

High Holiday Appeal - Sustaining Our Financial Health

As we began 5782, we are amazed how much our Community accomplishes during such uncertain times.  Your CBJ Team hasn’t missed a beat finding ways to engage, inspire and connect our community. During this past year, we hope you felt a part of the wonderful community that defines Congregation B’nai Jacob. 

While we came together as One Community for the High Holy Days, we want to remind you that we create community at CBJ every day of the year. We do so with Shabbat and holiday services, religious school, Sisterhood, our Adult Education and CBJ-U educational offerings.  We celebrate together as a congregation for life cycle events – from brit milah through b’nai mitzvah, and other Simchas, and we support one another at times of sadness, at funerals and Shivas. We share our values with our neighbors here and beyond when we act through our work of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world).

CBJ’s mission is to build a sacred community with the tools of Jewish tradition, where everyone is welcome. Our vision is to be a vibrant and inclusive community in which congregants at every stage of life can enjoy a deep relationship with God, community, and one another. Your support sustains CBJ, our Jewish home, and we all know the importance of having a vital and vibrant Jewish organization in Phoenixville.

But our collective annual contributions plus dues do not fund all the work we do or cover all the expenses that we incur each year. Therefore, Larry KolIer, our Treasurer and I ask you to commit to CBJ’s financial health by giving generously to our High Holy Day appeal. Many of you already go above and beyond, and we are very grateful for your support.

All donations matter, whatever amount, so please consider even a small additional contribution. Of course, for those of you fortunate enough to be able, please consider giving at a higher level than in the past. 

Thank you for being part of our CBJ wonderful community and for all that you do to sustain us.

Mark Snow              Larry Koller
President                  Treasurer

Make a Honors and High Holiday donation


November 2021

Fri 5 Birthday/Anniversary Shabbat with Ice Cream Sundae Oneg* 7:30 PM
Wed 10 Board Meeting 7:00 PM
Fri 12 Community Shabbat— Pot Luck Shabbat Dinner* with Family Friendly Service 6:30 PM
Sun 14 Sisterhood Chanukah Gift Shop Sale 9:00 – 12:00
Rabbi’s Adult Education Class: What’s the single most important teaching in the Torah?
(and 7 Different Answers from the Talmud) 10:00 AM
Fri 19 Chocolate Shabbat* 7:30 PM
Sun 21 Tikkun Olam/Social Action CBJ/JRA/PACS Food Distribution 10:30 AM pick up
Wed 24 Phoenixville Area Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
Fri 26 Thanksgiving Weekend—Regular Shabbat Service 7:30 PM

Click HERE to see August 2021 to June 2022 Calendar

Something Shabbat Every Friday

Fall 2021 - Spring 2022 Schedule
All services over Zoom unless otherwise noted

Click HERE to see the list of all Something Shabbat activities.

Something Shabbat is also listed on the complete community calendar.

**Now Available**

An Easy and Secure Way to Make a Payment and/or Donation to CBJ!

Congregation B'nai Jacob is now accepting online payments via a secure credit card payment processor.  No credit card information will be stored at any time.  If you would like to make an online payment, click on the Make a Payment Button on the Contact page or Make a Donation under Support Us / Contributions. Use your Smart Phone, Tablet, Lap Top or Desk Top Computer and Support CBJ, anytime anywhere. All credit cards are accepted, but please try to avoid American Express due to the fees incurred.

Are you on Facebook?

Do you know ladies at CBJ who want to start a Majong Group? Do you need help with something that a member may be able to help with? Everyone needs to join both the official CBJ page and the CBJ private group (search for Congregation B'nai Jacob Group to join) on Facebook.  Here you can find out many things that are going on and make suggestions to what you would like to see happen.

Food Distribution Program


CBJ has partnered with the Jewish Relief Agency (JRA) to create a network for delivering groceries to housebound people in Phoenixville one Sunday a month.

We are now delivering to 30 households in the area each month and we will be expanding to 36 households.  In order to make this program as successful as possible, we need your help packing and delivering boxes! It's a small commitment with a big impact!

Next Event:
November 21th
10:30 AM

All congregants are welcome

For future dates coming soon..