Our mission is to provide a place, rooted in Jewish tradition, where all people feel welcome, supported and enriched. We strive to foster connections to our past, to our future and to the divine in an intimate, accepting community.
What's Happening at CBJ
Wednesdays at 7PM.
(If you are saying the Mourners Kaddish on any other weekday, please call the office to arrange.)
Friday Night Shabbat Service, 7:30 PM
Saturday Morning Service, 9:30 AM
Sunday Morning Service (when Religious School is in session), 9 AM.
Please use one of the following links to view services online:
Conservative: B'nai Jeshurun, NYC B'nai Jeshurun
Friday Evening 6:00 pm
Saturday Morning 9:00 am
Reconstructionist: Dorshei Tzedek, Newtown, MA Dorshei Tzedek
Shabbat morning, 10 AM
Reform: Congregation Beth El, Sudbury, MA Beth El
Friday: 5:45 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Singing
6:00 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Shabbat Morning 10:30 AM
Central Synagogue in NYC (Reform)
Kehillat Israel in Pacific Palisades, CA (Reconstructionist)
(Note: 3 hours earlier than us!)
Park Avenue Synagogue in NYC (Conservative)
(including weekday morning and afternoon/evening services)
**Now Available**
An Easy and Secure Way to Make a Payment and/or Donation to CBJ!
Congregation B'nai Jacob is now accepting online payments via a secure credit card payment processor. No credit card information will be stored at any time. If you would like to make an online payment, click on the Make a Payment Button or Make a Donation which will always be below the Calendar. Use your Smart Phone, Tablet, Lap Top or Desk Top Computer and Support CBJ, anytime anywhere. All credit cards are accepted.
Still need to sign your kids up for religious school?
Click HERE to print the form for school.
More information can be found on the Religious School page.
ADL’s Walk Against Hate
Congregation B’nai Jacob is forming a team!
This year’s event is virtual, but you can still join people from across the country by stepping up as part of CBJ’s team to make your voice heard in celebrating diversity and challenging hate. You’ll set the pace and your walk(s) will count through the middle of October.
For more information, click HERE and/or contact Art Lebofsky at artsgnus@yahoo.com.
Something Shabbat Every Friday
Fall 2020 Schedule
All services over Zoom unless otherwise noted
Click HERE to see the list of Friday events for September through December 2020.
Have you heard about Community Portrait? It’s a population study, commissioned by the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia once every 10 years, that will help us to most effectively evaluate and support the needs of our local Jewish communities. Your answers will help us to direct our resources to where they're most needed so our entire Jewish community can continue to grow and thrive! Keep an eye out for the survey in the mail to see if you've been selected to take part in the survey. Learn more at the link below!
Are you on Facebook?
Do you know ladies at CBJ who want to start a Majong Group? Do you need help with something that a member may be able to help with? Everyone needs to join both the official CBJ page and the CBJ private group (search for Congregation B'nai Jacob Group to join) on Facebook. Here you can find out many things that are going on and make suggestions to what you would like to see happen.
Food Distribution Program
CBJ has partnered with the Jewish Relief Agency (JRA) to create a network for delivering groceries to housebound people in Phoenixville one Sunday a month.
We are now delivering to 30 households in the area each month and we will be expanding to 36 households. In order to make this program as successful as possible, we need your help packing and delivering boxes! It's a small commitment with a big impact!
Next Event:
10:30 AM
All congregants are welcome
September 2020
Click HERE to see September to December 2020 Calendar
Visit us on Facebook!
Amazon has cancelled our agreement! Please see Shop Here as to why and spread the word!