Our mission is to provide a place, rooted in Jewish tradition, where all people feel welcome, supported and enriched. We strive to foster connections to our past, to our future and to the divine in an intimate, accepting community.
Shabbat Services
Friday Night Shabbat Service, 7:30PM (Once a month at 6:30PM)
Saturday Morning Service, 9:30 AM
Reopening Task Force Message
The following is the updated policy as of January 9, 2022 and approved by the Board of Directors for groups of less than 30 people.
This policy applies to gatherings of people for the purposes of prayer in the sanctuary or other areas of the building (social hall, library); it would also apply to meetings of committees or workgroups for other matters of synagogue business.
All persons attending the group must attest that they are Up to Date with vaccination against the COVID 19 virus.
To be considered Up To Date, you must be:
1) Fully vaccinated (defined as 2 weeks after either 2 dose series of Pfizer or Moderna brand vaccine or after 1 dose of Johnson and Johnson vaccine), AND
2) If your initial vaccination was completed over 6 months ago, then a booster (Pfizer or Moderna) is also required.
The Meeting organizer will register with the synagogue office to:
1) reserve the date, time and room for the meeting.
2) submit the name of all who will be attending and attest that they are all fully vaccinated.
3) acknowledge that they have read and understood this protocol.
Masks must be worn at all times in the building (surgical grade, KN95, N95; not cloth)
Kosher food may be shared in a way that reduces hand to mouth spread of germs;
Adequate social distancing and hand hygiene should be maintained
If anyone develops COVID 19 symptoms within 5 days of gathering it must be reported to the synagogue office for matters of contact tracing.
All must be able to pass the COVID prescreening check list below necessary to enter the building.
COVID Prescreening Checklist
1. Have you experienced any COVID 19 symptoms in the last 24 hrs?
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore Throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
2. Within the past 10 days have you been in close physical contact (6ft or closer for cumulative total of 15 minutes) with: anyone who is known to have laboratory-confirmed COVID 19?
3. Within the past 10 days have you been in close physical contact (6 ft or closer for cumulative total of 15 minutes) with: anyone who has symptoms consistent with COVID 19?
4. Are you or anyone in your house currently isolating or quarantining because of exposure to a person with COVID 19 or because you/they might be sick with COVID 19?
5. Are you or is anyone in your household currently waiting for results of a COVID 19 test?
If the answer is YES to any of these questions, then please refrain from entering the building at this time in an effort to keep all of our members well.
Please contact anyone on the Task Force or the Board with questions.
Latest News
Sunday, April 3 9:15AM - 10:40AM
Barbara Cohen, a community leader and longtime member of CBJ led us on a virtual tour of Historic Jewish Philadelphia.
Did you miss it?
Click HERE to see the video.
March 2022
Fri 4 Shabbat Across America Service 7:30 PM; Shabbat Across America Sisterhood Dinner
Sun 6 Rabbi’s Adult Education Class: What’s the single most important teaching in the Torah?
(and 7 Different Answers from the Talmud) 10:00 AM
Fri 11 Birthday/Anniversary Shabbat with Ice Cream Sundae Oneg* 7:30 PM
Sun 13 Purim Carnival
Sun 13 Tikkun Olam/Social Action CBJ/JRA/PACS Food Distribution 10:30 AM pick up
Mon 14 Board Meeting 7:00 PM
Wed 16 Erev Purim, Megillah Reading 7:00 PM
Fri 18 Community Shabbat— Pot Luck Shabbat Dinner* with Family Friendly Service at the Rosenfeld’s home 6:30 PM
Fri 25 Regular Shabbat Service 7:30 PM
Click HERE to see August 2021 to June 2022 Calendar
Something Shabbat Every Friday
Fall 2021 - Spring 2022 Schedule
All services over Zoom unless otherwise noted
Click HERE to see the list of all Something Shabbat activities.
Something Shabbat is also listed on the complete community calendar.
**Now Available**
An Easy and Secure Way to Make a Payment and/or Donation to CBJ!
Congregation B'nai Jacob is now accepting online payments via a secure credit card payment processor. No credit card information will be stored at any time. If you would like to make an online payment, click on the Make a Payment Button on the Contact page or Make a Donation under Support Us / Contributions. Use your Smart Phone, Tablet, Lap Top or Desk Top Computer and Support CBJ, anytime anywhere. All credit cards are accepted, but please try to avoid American Express due to the fees incurred.
Are you on Facebook?
Do you know ladies at CBJ who want to start a Majong Group? Do you need help with something that a member may be able to help with? Everyone needs to join both the official CBJ page and the CBJ private group (search for Congregation B'nai Jacob Group to join) on Facebook. Here you can find out many things that are going on and make suggestions to what you would like to see happen.
Food Distribution Program
CBJ has partnered with the Jewish Relief Agency (JRA) to create a network for delivering groceries to housebound people in Phoenixville one Sunday a month.
We are now delivering to 30 households in the area each month and we will be expanding to 36 households. In order to make this program as successful as possible, we need your help packing and delivering boxes! It's a small commitment with a big impact!
Next Event:
March 13th
10:30 AM
All congregants are welcome
For future dates coming soon..